Explore Databases


MAS Complete and Newspaper Source on Explora Secondary

Gale in Context: High School

Full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted website

Gale in Context: Middle School

Created for middle-schoolers, Research in Context combines Gale reference content with age-appropriate videos, periodicals, primary sources, and more

PebbleGo Animals

Research information that supports animal classification, behaviors and habitats.

PebbleGo Science

Research information that supports Earth Science, seasons, weather, and space.

PK Life Science

Inspires elementary and middle school learners about key life science topics including animals; classification; endangered and extinct species; food chains and food webs; green living; habitats and ecosystems; the human body; life cycles; plants; and survival and adaptation.

PK Physical Science

Informs and inspires learners about key physical science topics including atoms and molecules; elements and the periodic table; energy and matter; force and motion; and temperature and measurement.

Teen Health and Wellness

Nonjudgmental, straightforward info for middle and high school covering diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, green living, financial literacy, and more.