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The world’s easiest way to keep track of all the books you read. Connect to your library’s reading programs, so you’ll get credit for every minute and every page.

Business Insights: Essentials

Includes company profiles, industry reports and financial reports, as well as business magazines and newspapers.

Gale Academic OneFile Select with Subject Collections

Resource for academic research includes scholarly journals and selected general interest titles in a wide variety of subjects.

Gale OneFile: Computer Science

Provides access to business and technical publications in the computer, electronics, and telecommunications industries.

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete

Resource for educators and education students.  Provides access to periodicals covering pre-school to college and most educational specialties. Includes full-text for many titles cited in ERIC.

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine

Full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus a variety of personal health information sources.

PebbleGo Health

Information on body systems, safety, self-awareness, relationships, and more.


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