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ABC-CLIO Databases

Authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources on the most enduring, significant, and timely issues

Ancient Civs Aztec

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs China

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs Egypt

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs Greece

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs Inca

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs India

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs Maya

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs Mesopotamia

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Ancient Civs Rome

Examining major aspects of each ancient culture, such as its government, its economy, and its religious practices.

Britannica Elementary

Look for people, places, and things. Watch and learn with videos and animations. Have fun with games and activities.

Britannica High School

Get quick facts and in-depth information on a wide variety of subjects. Start research projects with multiple resources in one place. Find multimedia to use in projects and presentations.

Britannica Middle

Find fast answers and homework help. Explore videos and articles on famous people and places. Discover maps, photos, and illustrations for school projects.


MAS Complete and Newspaper Source on Explora Secondary

Gale in Context: High School

Full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted website

Gale in Context: Middle School

Created for middle-schoolers, Research in Context combines Gale reference content with age-appropriate videos, periodicals, primary sources, and more

Gale In Context: World History

Provides an overview of world history that covers the most-studied events, periods, cultures, civilizations, religions, conflicts, wars, ideologies, cultural movements, people, and more.

Gale: Opposing Viewpoints

Facts and arguments on current events topics and social issues.

Modern Genocide

Presents the historical, social, religious, political, and economic factors that have resulted in genocide. It also examines the denial movements related to particular genocides, the role of propaganda in persuading the public to participate in genocide, and other mass killings and massacres not considered genocide by UN standards.

PebbleGo Biographies

Research information on the lives of important inventors, explorers, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, women and more.

PebbleGo Social Studies

Research information about the world around you including families, maps and holidays.

Spotlight on American Colonies

Explore what life was like as the American colonies started and grew, including where colonists lived, whom they traded with, and how they survived. Learn about important figures and industries in colonial history, as well as the many struggles colonists faced.

Spotlight on American History

Explore the extraordinary history of the United States and the people, places, and events that helped shape our young nation. Discover the causes and significance of key events in American history and the beginnings of our government.

Spotlight on NY

A well-researched overview of the Empire State, including its geography, history, and industries.

U.S. History in Context

Provides a complete overview of our nation’s past that covers the most-studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, people, and more.