Authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources on the most enduring, significant, and timely issues
A bibliographic resource that provides a robust source of information focusing on the history and life of the United States and Canada
Ranging from the dawn of prehistory, through the great ancient empires, to the beginning of the Renaissance, this unique online resource explores history in every corner of the globe.
Product added by purchase report form.
Videos, activities and games covering: science, social studies, english, math, engineering & tech, health, arts and music.
General reference resource for multiple age groups.
General reference resource for multiple age groups.
Includes company profiles, industry reports and financial reports, as well as business magazines and newspapers.
Interactive videos and activities that break down complex ideas into digestible bites that can be easily processed.
Beginner’s Spanish language general reference tool.
Access to all of your FactCite subscriptions.
Articles on people, places, and events in American History.
Comprehensive coverage of the countries of the world, illustrated. Supports research for country reports and activities such as Model UN and debate. Sections include curated weblinks for further study.
Greek and Roman gods, goddesses, heroes, places, and other aspects of Greek and Roman mythology.
Resource for academic research includes scholarly journals and selected general interest titles in a wide variety of subjects.
Contains peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources.
Gale resource portal.
Ebook portal for Gale resources.
News and periodical articles on a wide range of topics.
Authoritative reference content covering a vast array of people from historically significant figures to present-day newsmakers
Formerly Kids InfoBits A general reference resource for primary and elementary.
Created for middle-schoolers, Research in Context combines Gale reference content with age-appropriate videos, periodicals, primary sources, and more
Provides access to business and technical publications in the computer, electronics, and telecommunications industries.
Resource for educators and education students. Provides access to periodicals covering pre-school to college and most educational specialties. Includes full-text for many titles cited in ERIC.
Full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus a variety of personal health information sources.
Spanish interface provides access to Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals both from and about Latin America.
This full-text newspaper database has several New York Newspapers including the New York Times from 1995 on, and over 1,000 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers.
Search newspapers, business journals and health journals.
Facts and arguments on current events topics and social issues.
Nonfiction for young readers.
Full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and more.
Kids Discover Online offers a growing library of over 2,000 engaging Science, Social Studies, and Nonfiction articles, written at 3 Lexile Reading Levels. Reading levels are geared towards grades 3-8. Kids Discover Online includes lesson-planning tools for educators, standards and curriculum alignment, online assessments, and more.
A subset of Gale OneFile: News, this database includes articles from newspapers from around New York State including: Glens Falls Post-Star, New York Times, New York Post, Buffalo News, and Newsday.
Deliver the context and relevance your ELA curriculum has been missing, with real-world, standards-aligned, leveled texts in 20+ genres that let you create engaging ELA lessons while delivering the skills, background knowledge and vocabulary students need. Non-fiction articles with 5 reading levels, with comprehension quizzes. Site adjusts reading level for each student. Upgrades Newsela Essentials with more ELA content such as Novel Studies, fiction, vocab tools, and NYS standards-aligned content. (You do not need both ELA and Essentials)
An online research tool to track your sources, take notes, create outlines, collaborate with classmates, and format and print your bibliography.
Inspires elementary and middle school learners about key earth and space science topics including earth cycles, ecosystems and biomes, energy and matter, landforms, maps, natural disasters, rocks and minerals, environmental issues, the scientific method, space, water, and weather and climate.
Inspires elementary and middle school learners about key life science topics including animals; classification; endangered and extinct species; food chains and food webs; green living; habitats and ecosystems; the human body; life cycles; plants; and survival and adaptation.
Informs and inspires learners about key physical science topics including atoms and molecules; elements and the periodic table; energy and matter; force and motion; and temperature and measurement.
Delivers more than 290 full-text K-12 professional magazines and journals.
Delivers more than 290 full-text K-12 professional magazines and journals.
Engaging videos to build background knowledge and introduce the topic and key vocabulary.
Discover online multimedia resources. Bring books and authors to life.
Nonjudgmental, straightforward info for middle and high school covering diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, green living, financial literacy, and more.
Covers a broad range of topics including the evolution of modern Europe; concurrent developments in Asia, Africa, and the Islamic world; the global impact of the Industrial Revolution; and the last 100 years of conflicts and international cooperation.
Reference articles, text-to-speech capabilities, learning and life skills activities, research tools, multimedia, and interactive video on curriculum-related topics and subjects.
Online general resource developed especially for young students.
Elementary and middle school general reference resource.
Develops global literacy, focusing on the geographic, political, social, economic, and cultural forces that influence our world.