Authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources on the most enduring, significant, and timely issues
Videos, activities and games covering: science, social studies, english, math, engineering & tech, health, arts and music.
Look for people, places, and things. Watch and learn with videos and animations. Have fun with games and activities.
MAS Complete and Newspaper Source on Explora Secondary
Facts and arguments on current events topics and social issues.
Presents the historical, social, religious, political, and economic factors that have resulted in genocide. It also examines the denial movements related to particular genocides, the role of propaganda in persuading the public to participate in genocide, and other mass killings and massacres not considered genocide by UN standards.
A well-researched overview of the Empire State, including its geography, history, and industries.
Develops global literacy, focusing on the geographic, political, social, economic, and cultural forces that influence our world.