
Print Resources in the Library
All Elements print resources will be found in the 546 area. *If you don't see your element as the title of a specific book, there are a couple books that discuss most of, if not all the elements.

Digital Resources from GVBOCES and NYS

Britannica High School

This is good for learning about the element in general and its uses. Just look up your element. (1,2,3 denote text depth and level.) Note that it may link you to other websites in "Web's Best Sites."
*When citing Britannica, use the model for websites.

Gale Ebooks

Simply search for your element in the bar.

Gale in Context: High School

Good for general reference material and finding your element in the news.

Reputable Digital Resources from outside our Library

Royal Society for Chemistry (Interactive Periodic Table)

Includes general information but also: links to videos and podcasts.