Adding images and sounds to projects definitely increases the appeal of your project! However, it's important to be sure the images and sounds you use in your project are being shared legally so that any images you've used will not be subject to copyright infringement. Use these sites to help you add oomph to your presentations legally!
Note: You may use images from any of our databases, as well. Simply be sure to add the citation under or next to the image.
Be sure that you download any pictures you use because downloaded pictures will include the citation. When using images from Photos for Class, you need to include the citation.
No citation needed if the it is stated that the image is "Free For Commercial Use with No Attribution Required." You may want to note under it, "Image secured from Pixabay" though.
No citation needed.
No citation needed if the it is stated that the image is "Free For Commercial Use with No Attribution Required." You may want to note under it, "Image secured from Pixabay" though.
Login using the credentials provided when you click the link. No citation needed.
No citation needed if used for educational purposes.
Gonzalez, Jennifer. “Teaching Students to Legally Use Images Online.” Cult of Pedagogy, 13 Nov. 2017,
*This explains how you need to credit images you use from Creative Commons
*If you search images, select: Tools, Usage Rights, Creative Commons, License details (This will tell you what you are "free" to do with the image.)