Grade 6 -Environmental Issues

Use the following resources to help you in the Weather Research Project.
Books are in the Library.
Remember to use class time and the Extended Period wisely.

Works Cited
Record your Works Cited here

Noodle Tools

A record of your works cited. Remember to get the Works Cited FIRST! All databases give you the works cited. Books and web-sites need to be entered. The database gives you the proper format to follow.

Books & eBooks
Books & eBooks.

Letchworth MS Print Books

Books about the Environment in the Library

Letchworth eBooks

To use the Letchworth eBooks you need to sign into the OPAC. Your username is your school email address. Example: Watch the capitals! Your password is your Library/Lunch Number. If this does not work, see Mr P & he will fix it.

AV2 Media Kits

If you using a AV2 Book, this is the link for the enhanced content.

Mackin Via

A collection of Mackin Ebooks available from the GVEP Media Library.

World Book Ebooks

A collection includes highly illustrated, engaging titles that support a span of curriculum areas and reading levels.

Pre-selected databases to use in your research

Britannica Middle

An online encyclopedia. It includes articles and quality web-sites linked to the articles.

PebbleGo Science

Research information that supports Earth Science, seasons, weather, and space.

PK Earth and Space

Inspires elementary and middle school learners about key earth and space science topics including earth cycles, ecosystems and biomes, energy and matter, landforms, maps, natural disasters, rocks and minerals, environmental issues, the scientific method, space, water, and weather and climate.

PK Physical Science

Informs and inspires learners about key physical science topics including atoms and molecules; elements and the periodic table; energy and matter; force and motion; and temperature and measurement.

Gale In Context: Elementary

Includes access to online: books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and pictures. It can be linked to your Google Drive.

Gale in Context: Middle School

Includes access to: reference books, audio, visual, pictures, magazine, and newspaper articles. It can be linked to your Google Drive.

Web-Site: Climate Change
Pre selected web-sites on global warming climate change

What is Climate Change?

National Geographic page on global warming/climate change.

A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change

This website provides information that is current, relevant, and useful for learning more about climate change. We are very interested in your participation in the continuing development of this site. (From the US Environmental Protection Agency)

Climate Basics for Kids

Our mission is to advance strong policy and action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and strengthen resilience to climate impacts. A key objective is a national market-based program to reduce emissions cost-effectively. We believe a sound climate strategy is essential to ensure a strong, sustainable economy. (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Environment - General Topics

eSchool Today

There are resource pages under the : Environment, Pollution, Social Issues, and Natural Disaster headings.

Kids Ecology - Our Environment

Click on "Our Environment" for a list of topics.

NASA Climate Kids

A wide variety of resources on climate and energy.

NY Conservationist 4 Kids - Issue Index

A student magazine on environmental issues - Check this index list for your topic.

Web-Site: Pollution
Pre selected web-sites on pollution

Water Pollution

A list of resources to check on water pollution.

Kid's Crossing: Air Pollution

Information from National Center for Atmospheric Research

EPA: Acid Rain Resources

A variety of resources on Acid Rain from the Environmental Protection Agency

Energy Resources
Resources on different types of energy

Energy Sources

Information on a wide variety of energy types from the U.S. Energy Information Administration

Basics of Wind Energy

The basics of Wind Energy from the American Wind Energy Association

Wind Energy Basics


Wind Energy Guide

A project of The Bureau of Land Management, this guide helps to explain wind energy.

Hybrid Cars

Information on Hybrid Cars

Cars of the Future

A Scholastic magazine article on the future of cars

Pre selected web-sites on bees

A Bee is More than a Bug

From NASA - the National Aeronautics and Space Administration - information on bees and polination

Colony collapse disorder facts for kids

Information on Colony Collapse Disorder

The Death of Bees Explained

Bees are facing some enormous obstacles– and some are a direct consequence of human greed. Kurzgesagt explains why we need to help our small buzzing friends thrive.

Why are bees vanishing?

From Science News for Students